Properties in India

7 properties in banswara, banswara, rajasthan for 2bhk sale

2bhk house in good conditions

Price per ft2: 2,000 Rs, Price: ₹ 30,00,000, Furnished: Yes, Rooms: 4 and more, Square feet: 1,500 ft2, it is a beautiful house.and have a great location.
-Source (olx)

2BHK FLAT fr Sele

शनदर लकसन, शनदर डज़इन, 1 मडयलर कचन, 1 कमन लटबथ, 2 बडरम, 1 लटबथ अटचड, 1हल, सटइलश कलर थम, फन एड लइट already installed, समफरनस, गरउड फलर, LG1,D1000वनयक रसडस, मगलमसट,कलवड़ रड़, जयपर
-Source (Mitula)